Sunday, May 19, 2024

Work: Site Visit to Kuala Terengganu

Tahun ni banyak kena outstation.. Itupun, ada a few yang ummi terpaksa let go, minta tolong colleague/assistant cover. Especially masa arwah ayah warded last time.. I was glad and thankfull dapat immediate boss, peers & subordinates yang memahami, concern and offers their help & ideas in most situation..

Saja lah nak share dekat sini random photos during my work visit. Untuk kenang²an sendiri . Mana tahu kalau diri ni nekad nak pencen awal, i could still walk through the photos, reminscing the memories, the journey and the value it brings into my life. 

12-13 May 2024: Kuala Terengganu

Lawatan tapak & libat urus bersama PBT dan agensi teknikal tempatan.

Stayed at The Grand Puteri Hotel. Depan tu Masjid Sultan Abidin. 

Nak order hotel's foodies? Harga sangat reasonable..
Ni kalau nak santai² depan hotel, ada little open space corner, sambil makan keropok lekor or jemput², sambil dengar kuliah maghrib dari speaker Masjid Abidin just in front the hotel.

Breakfast, ganu style..

Ni dinner on arrival day. Sebab bertolak hari Ahad petang. Sampai dah maghrib. Kita keluar cari makan malam. Kawan bos suggest this place, Syrup vs Soda. 

Foods come in large plate. Boleh kongsi 2 orang satu pinggan ni.. Super banyak kuantiti dia, sesuai dengan harga. Tasteful juga..

Lepas dinner, dah sampai Kuala Terengganu, mesti lah kena check-in drawbridge kan. Snap gambar sebagai bukti kehadiran.

If you notice the stars.. Tetiba ternyanyi dalam hati..." Look at the stars, look how they shine for you .. all the things you do, yeah they were all YELLOW".. And my dear zawji, i know you still remember this song that you dedicate to me, when we were just friends.. 🤭🥰😊.

The actual site visit, with PBTs and technical agencies.. Di bawah terik mentari.. Ganu lama tak hujan wehhh Panas lit lit..

Meredah semak dah hutan 🥴

Meninjau site kami di bawah from the highest point there..dan main naik turun tangga to have a look at he slopes.. 

Hello steep slope, will you gonna be ok if i cut the earth at your toe??

Lepas berpanas bermandi peluh di bawah terik mentari, kita zusssss pula untuk mesyuarat.. Lega dapat aircond uuiii..

Dah selesai urusan kerja, sebelum bergerak pulang, kita singgah site yang ni pula 😅 Another site was, kedai kepok lekor.. Lupa nak snap gambar. 

Returning home and captured this sun rays behind the cloud..

We stucked in a traffic congestion. Jam 3 petang gerak dari KT, jam 9 malam baru sampai Genting Sempah gara² ada insiden lori tangki terbalik melintang jalan lepas terowong.. Dari GS, kami exit jalan dalam. Ingat nak lalu Jalan Gombak Lama, pilot tersilap simpang, pi naik Genting 🤣.. Buat u turn dan jalan tu pancung terus exit selepas terowong. Syukur alhamdulillah..Yang mana stay nak lalu terowong, masih sangkut..Pukul 10 malam baru sampai rumah.. huhu.. 

1 comment:

  1. Gambar 2nd last tu wajib singgah la kalau ke KT kan...


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