Friday, October 19, 2012

A Dizzy Week

 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

I'm not feeling well...
Its my fifth day..
Going to work with spinning head, flu and cough today..
I was on emergency leave on Monday...
Then got MC on Tuesday..
Wednesday, Thursday, Friday my head still spinning, but gotta get up and get to work...

Five days down with headache...

Went for check-up on Tuesday...
Told the doc that my head is aching/spinning for 2 days...
Did the FBC and UFEME...
Result: kencing kotor, ada infection...
Was given antibiotic and adviced to drink plenty of plain water...
Office aku sangat sejuk macam kutub...
Minum sebotol air masak pun aku dah asyik berulang-alik ke toilet macam seratus kali...haishhhh....
Hmm..the cold office makes me sick..

What else to update?
Pening-pening ni, otak slow sikit nak fikir..
Hmmm...check-up at 30 weeks pregnancy..
Weight: 51.5 kg (total weight gained 4.5kg)
Baby in cephalic condition. Head down.
Baby's heartbeat: 157
Alhamdulillah, everything else goes just fine.
Nurse tegur perut kecik, but doc didn't say anything.
Even doc kat Hospital pun cakap baby ok je..Alhamdulillah..
Tapi kulit perut dah rasa terik je.
Maybe sebab I didn't gain much weight, my body didn't expand and the skin is stretching to its max to accomodate for the baby.
That's why la stretch mark macam jaluran sungai kalau tengok dalam topographical map..

Despite the dizziness, runny nose and itchy throat
there's one little guy that keeps enlighten my day
look at what he have done

Yeah...Faheem have slaughtered kakak Iris punya baby doll..hehe..

Tengok telatah dia everyday, he melts my heart away.
He makes me feel awesome.

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