Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Bottle Feed: Part 2

Since aku dah start kerja balik, kami hantar Faheem to my mom's house. Rasa leceh nak hantar ke babysitter, then educate them about G6PD and all the alahans. Dah besar sikit, InsyaAllah ok kot.

Yerp, aku pernah story pasal Faheem's bottlefeed training. Alhamdulillah, he is one nice kid. Last week, starting from Tuesday aku dah hantar Faheem ke Ampang eventhough I am still on leave that day. Alhamdulillah again, Mama kata Faheem mahu hisap puting botol.

Aku panggil a few of my friends datang makan-makan raya di rumah. Wasn't an open house pun. Saja nak jamu kawan-kawan makan. I decided to pump and bottlefed Faheem that day. Unfortunately, bila sua puting botol, Faheem tend to gigit the puting then push it out with his tongue. I thought maybe sebab aku yang bagi, so dia rasa macam 'tertipu'. Owhh bau Ummi, but then why the nipple is different??. Aku minta tolong hubby bottlefed him. Again he refuses. Sudahnya, aku angkut dia ke bilik and breastfeed him sambil berdialog dengan dia.I am sorry. Ummi bukan tipu Faheem. Ummi ada work sikit, that's why Ummi bagi Faheem botol. Ok, next time bila Ummi ada, Faheem don't have to use bottle. Bila kat rumah Maktok je Faheem minum guna botol ye sayang. MasyaAllah, masa aku nak breastfeed dia, terus je dia suck macam lapar sangat without making any noise. Bunyi sucking je la ada. Bila kawan-kawan dah datang, then it's the feeding time. Terasa malas pulak nak gendong Faheem naik atas. What I did, I give him bottle again. Yes, I broke my promises. Again, he refuses and start to make some noise. Terus lah aku gendong dia ke atas dan it's the bonding time between me and him. Ummi minta ampun Faheem. Ummi mungkir janji. Ummi said earlier Ummi tak nak bagi botol when Ummi is around. Tapi Ummi bagi jugak. Sorry sayang. Jangan marah Ummi.

Dalam hati terdetik syukur sebab Faheem tak experience nipple confusion dan dia as if tahu when he should be breastfed and bottlefed.

Before sending Faheem to Ampang, I breastfeed him first. Around 7.00 a.m. Supposedly his next feeding time will be at 9.00 a.m. Mama call at around 10.00 a.m. telling me that Faheem refuses to drink. Aiyorh..He cried out loud, tak mahu hisap puting botol. He did the same thing as before, gigit the puting and tolak dengan lidah. Bila dah puas menjerit, maybe letih and lapar, baru lah dia minum. Itupun Mama bagi guna botol kakak Iris. So, I bought new puting for him. Maybe puting botol tu a bit keras for him. I bought puting MAM. Shape die leper sikit and a bit lembut, hoping that he wouldn't be cranky anymore with the new puting.

Called Mama around 11.00 a.m. asking about Faheem's activity. I thought he would enjoy his new teat. Unfortunately, he's still cranky. Pity him. and pity Maktok also. Susah juga kalau dia tak mahu minum botol. Crying out loud, dah lapar sangat baru terpaksa sedut botol. Kasihan sungguh. 

What am I suppose to do?

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