Thursday, September 22, 2011

Mencari Kekuatan & Keberanian

Sebelum cuti bersalin, I actually have done something and really hoping for it. 
To get what I aimed for, I had to go through some procedure.
Ya Allah, berilah hamba-Mu ini kekuatan dan keberanian.

Before this banyak jugak berfikir how to get through this.
Thinking of what is the best option.
Berdoa supaya Allah tunjukkan jalan.
And after my maternity leave, I thought, if I don't see the path, then I shall forget it.
Today, I got some hint.
Is this the path that Allah have showed me?
Shukran Ya Rabb for showing me the way.
All I need now is for me to gain my courage.

Sebagai hamba-Mu yang lemah dan tanpa segan silu untuk terus meminta
aku memohon pada-Mu Ya Allah, kurniakanlah keberanian dan kekuatan kepada hamba-Mu ini

[ Kenapa nak risau apa orang akan cakap? ]
[ The most important thing is your very own self ]
[ Nothing to worry ]

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