Saturday, March 17, 2012

3D2N at Sunway Resort Suites: 27-29 January 2012

بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Entry lame terperam sebab got no time to edit pictures..

We redeemed our complimentary voucher, and get this 3D2N stay at Sunway Resort Suites..
Bilik nice, comfy. Macam-macam ada. Induction cooker, medium sized fridge, rice cooker, microwave, toaster, kettle, periuk, kuali, chopping board, pisau...whoaaaa...Feeling macam kat rumah sendiri...hehe..Tapi this is for SIVC members. Kalau normal roon tak tau la pulak ade ke tak sume tu..
For me, the most important thing is fridge. Walaupun holiday, pumping is must. Tak kisah la walau sekali je pun. huhu~

Teruja tgk lantern
Kat Pizza Hut. Masa ni kan CNY. They hang chinese lantern and Faheem asyik mendongak tengok lantern merah tu.

In the bath tub
Faheem's most favorite place. Be it dry or full of water. Tengokla tu, muka happy sakan okeh..Saja nak tayang gigi dua ketul tu.

We had a walk by the pool. Tibe-tibe Faheem jadi sangat takut dengar bunyi air menderu.

Let's eat.
Masa untuk dinner. Merasmikan sweater yang Maktok knit. Comel sangat...

Steel cigar?
It's not funny Ummi. huhu~ It was actually in the sink.

This is where Faheem start nangis and buat muka sememeh tu. Dia takut dengar bunyi water cascade kat belakang tu.

Konon pakai swimming suit. Bukan mandi pun. Nangis je. Dah nak balik bilik baru nak buat muka excited.

Memanglah buat muka excited tadi. Sebab dah recharge. I nursed him in public. Viewing ohsem! swimming pool. 
Walk by the pool.

Makan time
Pizza for dinner..

Crying out loud
Before this ok je mandi pool and laut. This time nangis pulak.

Playing & jumping in the baby cot
Another place that he loves. Main dalam baby cot. I guess Faheem suka these two places sebab he can pull himself up and joget-joget kat tepi tu  =P

Finally, sound asleep..

Bulatnye mate..
What a weird looking face..
 The view from our suite..

By the way, the pool is very nice. Sangat besar dan cantik. It is actually located in another tower which is Sunway Resort and Spa, but cater for both Resort & Spa and also Resort Suite.

 The pool
Nice | Awesome | Gorgeous


  1. besnya hotel ni!!pool serius mcm nk terjun je!hehe.amboi,siap ader hadang lagi babycot die?hehe

  2. Pool tu mmg ily x reti swim...berendam je boleh..klu yun mesti bolrh swim freely end to end..pool die spacious...
    Penghadang babycot tu actually cushion sofa..hehe..faheem tido lasak. Thats why hadang dgn cushion tu..

  3. dalam sink tu comel ..:) ingat die buat ape tadi..heheh

  4. hehe..baru je letak die terus aim paip tu..cepat je nak masuk mulut :)


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