Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Jogja Vacay: Day 2 (30th September 2012)

 بِسْمِ اللهِ الرَّحْمنِ الرَّحِيمِ

Kat Jogja ni, time difference is lag by 1 hour je from Malaysia.

Disebabkan journey yang mencabar on first day, aku agak jet lagged lah jugak plus attending Faheem yang kurang sihat. Actually hubby yang dok jaga Faheem most of the time.  Aku tolong-tolong je sebab aku bawak perut 24-7 kan dan of course Faheem is clingy with hubby when he is not feeling well. Huhu~

Of accommodation. We took 3 rooms. Ma & Ayoh on the 2nd floor. Ours and Firdaus on the third floor. It can be categorized as budget hotel. There is no mini fridge and electric kettle. Kalau nak air panas, dia bagi dalam thermos. Good enough for me. As long as there is hot water to make Faheem’s milk.

Front view of Agung Mas Hotel

 Galeri Batik at the lobby area

The lobby/receptionist

Our Day 2 of vacation, early in the morning (not so early la..) Ari fetch us at hotel, head to his house. On our way, Ma insist nak singgah ziarah kubur arwah ayah Ari. It is a mixed cemetery. Don’t ask me boleh ke campur kubur muslim dengan non-muslim. Wallahualam. Susunan kubur pun agak padat dan rapat. Seems like there is no space to walk in between the grave. Just next to one another.

 The crowded cemetery. 

 See, it's a mixed cemetery. The one yang aku and hubby pijak tu bukan kubur ye. Yang tu tapak kubur yang dah ditempah. Masih kosong. Kalau dah betuan, aku pun tak berani nak pijak. Tapi makcik dalam pic kat atas yang dok bersih-bersihkan kubur tu selamba je step on the grave.

 Heading to Abang Pasha's house

At Ari’s house, his mother welcomes us with table full of dishes. Ada ayam, tempe, tauhu, sort of like soup sapi, sayur-sayur, sambal, keropok. Namanya, RAWON. Aku ni jenis yang susah sangat nak try new things especially when it comes to food. New things as if those that I haven’t tasted. Tapi aku makan jugak la sikit. Kena jaga hati tuan rumah yang meraikan tetamu. Penat tuan rumah memasak. Hubby on the other hand tak kisah sangat. He can eat almost everything. Hehe~ Ayam dengan sambal tu boleh masuk la tekak aku sebab rasa macam ayam bakar kat Restoran Wong Solo.

Ok, aku baru  tau ape maksud Wong Solo..Wong tu adalah orang. So, Wong Solo adalah Orang Solo. Solo adalah nama tempat, about 60km from Jogja..
{Saya budak baru belajar geografi Jawa Tengah}


Ari's backyard

Benteng Vredeburg
A Dutch fort that was built in 1765 turn into a museum.
Aku memang tak gemar subjek sejarah. So, a visit to a museum wasn't an excitement to me.

 Abi's cheeky boy

 The Vredeburg Fort entrance.

 Terpaksa ada props tambahan. The umbrella. Sebab cuaca sangat panas due to kemarau dan Faheem wasn't feeling well. And mind the extra bag also. Since Faheem is on formula milk, I have to carry extra bag for his milk powder, thermos etc.

 With the replica of Diponegoro

Faheem in Boba carrier that I bought a few days before the trip. Memang last minute decision. Tapi berbaloi.
Kami tak bawak stroller pun sebab leceh nak berjalan tengah crowd plus kalau naik beca, nak letak mana stroller tu kan.
So, aku order that Boba carrier from Mama Panda Store and manage to get it a couple of days before the trip. Thanks MPS.

See..comotkan aku dengan extra bag tu lagi..Selekeh sungguh..Bluekkk..

Kraton Kasultanan Yogyakarta
This is where Raja/Sultan Jawa lives.
I was informed that Benteng Vredeburg di bina menghadap kraton supaya pihak Belanda boleh monitor pergerakan Raja/Sultan Jawa.
Again, nothing excites me when it comes to history. Huhu~

 A small market in front of the Keraton. We're buying a sandal for Faheem. If you notice, Faheem cuma pakai socks je without kasut. Alkisahnya kasut Faheem tercicir sebelah probably dekat airport Semarang. Tinggal sebelah je. And we didn't bring extra shoe/sandal for him. So, terpaksalah beli sandal baru berharga Rp 12,000. Around RM 4.

 Excited dapat sandal baru. Siap berbunyi-bunyi lagi. So si kecik seronok nak jalan sendiri.

 This man greets you as you enter the Kraton area. Hehe~

Ma and Ayoh in front of the Kraton entrance.

Tak banyak pun snap gambar kat sini since tempat ni pun under rehabilitation. Yang pastinya, tempat ni banyak sangat nilai sejarah.

Masjid Gedhe

Built in 1773
Kalau tengok senibina and interior, banyak pengaruh Hindu sebab sebelum kemasukan Islam, penduduk Jogja mostly beragama Hindu dan Buddha.

Candi Prambanan
It is a Hindu temple leftover with height of 47 m.
Kawasan candi ni besar. Cuaca pulak panas sebab Jogja sedang dilanda kemarau.
So, memang takdelah nak tawaf keliling candi tu kan. Dengan perut memboyot ni, lagilah tak larat mana sebab kat candi tu bertangga-tangga.
Tapi naik jugaklah ambil sekeping dua gambar.

Upon entering the Candi area, ada satu booth where dia distribute kain batik. Pengunjung dimestikan pakai kain batik ni sempena pelestarian batik.
**Faheem syok tidur dalam Boba Carrier**

Kuda Lumping ni adalah kuda kepang. Adik ipar yang pergi tengok. Aku dan hubby duduk jauh je sebab bising sangat. Takut Faheem terkejut. Tapi terjaga jugak Faheem sebab muzik dia memang kuat gila.

Part of the candi. Yang ni tak ingat nama dia apa. Kat area ni banyak candi. The biggest one Candi Prambanan tu lah.

Gambar kat atas candi Prambanan ada. Tapi dalam kamera adik ipar.
Later aku update.

That's all for the day.

Foods for the day,  SOTO dan NASI GUDEG.

Soto dia tak macam soto kat Malaysia. Instead of guna nasi impit, dia letak nasi. Then ada side dish, satay dan tempe goreng. Satay dia pun bukan macam satay kita. Macam masak dengan kisap, tapi rasa manis-manis. 

Nasi gudeg pulak, aku tak tau nak describe macam mana. Yang aku tau, gudeg tu adalah nangka muda. Tak tau dia masak macam mana. Aku sempat makan 2 sudu, lepas tu tekak aku kembang, cannot go. Hubby telan je. Adik ipar pulak, satu sudu nasi, berselang dengan a few bites keropok. Untuk hilangkan rasa pelik katanya. Mak mertua memang awal-awal lagi taknak order, kenyang katanya. Hehe...


  1. Replies
    1. Alhamdulillah, rezeki berjalan ke tempat orang =P

  2. tak pnh sampai lg jogja.. tingin nak p sbb nak nengok monumen cantek2

    1. InsyaAllah, ade rezeki smpai jugak..byk tempat menarik, tp aku tak round semua. Faheem tak sihat..huhu~

  3. best kan history die..amazing...pembinaan zaman dulu lebih strategik n tersusun...i suke borobudur tu..and tempat mandi sultan die...cerita pasal gundik2 n masjid bawah tanah...

    1. banyak sgt history =P
      tp byk jugak tmpt yg tak pergi...huhu~

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