Monday, September 30, 2013

Jom Baca Buku

One night, ummi tengah baca buku...
"Ummi baca buku ke ummi?"
"Iye sayang...."
"Faheem nak baca buku lah..."
Off he went to get a book..
Yang diambilnye, buku ummi 2 buah...
Kiri dan kanan tangan pegang sebuah buku each, terkedek-kedek jalan bawak buku yang hampir mencecah lantai..
"Ni buku Faheem lah...Faheem nak baca buku.."

From those two, i choose one most suitable for him.
Biografi Agung Rasulullah SAW instead of 1 Hari 1 Resipi..

Ummi tutup buku, join Faheem baca buku...
Read for him the first page, he did not pay an attention. Asyik nak selak-selak..
Ok then..
Dia belum boleh nak digest those words...
So, instead of reading to him line by line, I just flip through the page..
Cari gambar..
And i explained to him the pictures with excitement.
"Ish...abang, ni pedang Rasulullah lah..Subhanallah...cantik...Rasulullah pergi perang pakai pedang ni...Cantik kan?"
"Eiiihhh...pedang racululah (read Rasulullah..) la..."
"Ni gambar apa ni bang?"
" masjidlah.."
"Ini masjid nabi."
"Abi solat kat masjid kan ummi...ehhh..Abi solat kat sini kan...Allahuakbar"

"Adik faqeeh, ni Kaabah lah adik faqeeh...cantikkkkk.."
Adik Faqeeh tentulah nak join abang sama. He really enjoys playing with abang though sometimes abang did not bother playing with him...

Bila abi balik, Faheem bagitau abi that he read a book..
"Faheem baca buku apa?"
"Buku Nabi Muhammad Racululah (Rasulullah)"

He is full with excitement. Everytime I explained to him, he will repeat it, asking few questions repeatedly, his eyes lit up, smiles cheerfully...
Subhanallah...Syukur Alhamdulillah..for lending me such a wonderful boy..
A proud & happy mother I am..


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