Friday, February 28, 2014

Ayah : Bypass Operation 2

Salam Sayyidul Ayam yang penuh barokah..

Semalam, ayah ditolak masuk OT around 10am plus..
I wasn't around.
We thought pukul 12 baru nak tolak masuk..
Bila sedara my zawj who works there call and inform that yang pukul 12 tu should be ready on the table for the procedure, menggelabah kami makan cepat-cepat and rush to IJN..
Mama stayed there overnight. Luckily masa ayah nak dibawa ke OT, ayah long & ayah su (abang & adik ayah who came all the way from Kelantan), dah sampai. So mama wasn't alone..

My regret, aku tak sempat jumpa ayah sebelum ayah masuk OT...sobs..
But my zawj manage to talk to his relative whom was with ayah masa tu and pesan kat dia suruh sampaikan kat ayah that kami semua mintak maaf, mintak halal makan minum..pesan supaya ayah kuat semangat..Goshhh..that was really sad..

** while waiting throughout the operation **

Around 4pm...
Alhamdulillah...abe din, my zawj's relative, said that it was a successful operation.
Semua berjalan lancar..
Syukran Ya Allah...
After nearly 4 hours of waiting...
Ayah long & ayah su setia menunggu..
Allahu Allah...the brotherhood remains..
Nampak kerisauan di muka ayah long & ayah su...
Ayah su pulak tak makan seharian tunggu selesai operation. Sekdar alas perut dengan roti canai di pagi hari..Ayah long pulak setia berdiri, menunggu di muka pintu..
Kasihnya abang dan adik...Allahuakbar..

Pukul 4 lebih, ayah was pushed into ICU. Still unconcious..
Kami gilir-gilir lah masuk tengok ayah..
Looking at ayah lying on the bed unconciously with those wires & tubes, seems like a flashback of seeing the late maktok & paktok..
al-fatihah untuk arwah maktok, paktok & tok ayah..

Later that evening, sebelum balik, aku & my zawj jenguk ayah lagi sekali. Bergilir since kids tak boleh naik..Almost maghrib dah masa tu. Ayah masih belum sedar. Tapi nurse cakap condition ayah stabil so far. Once ayah dah sedar, dia akan cabut tiub oksigen.
Hopefully there's no complication afterwards & ayah will recovering well..

Waktu melawat ICU starts at 12.30 -1.30pm and 6.00 - 8.00 pm.
Today pukul 12 lebih kami sampai ijn. My zawj & ayah su solat jumaat kat sini je. Surau ijn ni surau jumaat..
Sebelum pergi solat, sempat visit ayah kat ICU dulu.
Alhamdulillah ayah dah sedar. Semalam lagi. Tak pasti pukul berapa. So oksigen dah cabut.
Alhamdulillah ayah looks fine. Boleh borak sikit-sikit..
Ayah dah boleh keluar ICU, masuk general ward..

Dia pening-pening sikit, which is normal kata nurse..
He is resting now, while aku tunggu kat bawah dengan anak-anak, tunggu visiting hours for the kids..

Speedy recovery ayah..
We love you so much..
(Though I never confront him and tell him that I love him..huhu..).

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