Saturday, August 13, 2011

Review: Milk Collection Shell

Just bought this thing recently. Sebelum ni gune disposable breast pad (DBP). What I dislike about DBP, kadang-kadang leaking sampai lencun miss B and baju sebab dah full and gel pun dah kembang. Masa BF, the other B akan leaking. Aku tak biasa BF and pump in the same time sebab sambil BF aku suka belai-belai Faheem. So, tak dapat la nak mengepam dalam masa yang sama.

Bila tengok DBP yang dah berat dan kembang tu, rase rugi susu pulak. Teringat my friend cakap her sis pakai something yang boleh collect susu. Ape bende tu eh?

One day, bukak one blog, terjumpa entry die pasal milk collector. Owh..this is it. Inilah yang aku cari tu.Terus request kat hubby.

Medela Milk Collection Shell
Price: RM 69.00

Mase BF, boleh pakai milk collector ni on the other side. Bile leaking this milk collector akan collect susu yang leaked tu. Then, bile pump lepas BF, boleh la campur skali susu yang dalam milk collector ni.

Collected leaked milk

Milk collector ni boleh jadi nipple shield jugak for those who have sore nipple.


  1. aah. ok je, selesa. tp dlm manual die mention jgn pakai terlalu lama. max 4 jam. bkk skjp, then br pakai blk.

  2. menarikla,mcm nk beli,bila bf,sebelah sure banjir,syg kan..tq ily for sharing! =)

  3. Berapa lama jangka hayat breast shell ni?


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