Monday, March 21, 2016

Our Humble Home

Our humble home is actually rumah low cost, zaman aku baru lahir dulu, 80's. Basic unit, double storey, 2 bedrooms, 1 toilet downstair. Built up area rasenye 15ft x 20ft je kot. Really a humble one.

Masa sebelum kahwin, zawji bought the subsale house while I bought an under construction apartment. Then dia tanya, lepas kahwin nak duduk mana? I said duduk rumah yang dia beli lah. He was in hesitation. Katanya, his current bedroom is even bigger than the humble house's living area. To me, ok je. We start with a small home, ada rezeki insyaAllah boleh cari rumah lain. And rasanya kalau anak seorang dua, masih boleh main dengan selesa lagi lah. Cuma kalau orang nak datang ramai-ramai tu, sempit sikitlah sebab limited space.

So, we settled in the humble house. Sebelum kahwin zawji ada buat minor touch-up. Pasang tiles kat dapur and toilet, pasang laminated flooring kat living area and master bedroom. Dia cat semula the whole house by himself, alone. Tak siap weekend, sambung weekdays. Balik kerja, singgah rumah nak siapkan cat. Bila aku masuk rumah tu, lepas kahwin lah, it is nearly perfect to me. A small humble home, but it's the place that makes us feel cozy & comfortable. I laugh and cries a lot in it.

6 years later, we had 3 active soldiers. The humble home seems a little bit too humble for the growing active boys. Zawji pun dah mula rimas dengan semak belakang rumah. He did clean them up once a while. Tapi letih kot menebas. Huhu.. So, we decided to extend our humble home a bit, to give some space for the boys, and also to solve the bushes behind the home issue..Hihi... Plan dari last year lagi masa aku pregnant kan Fathan. Ingat nak buat masa aku cuti bersalin 3 bulan tu. Too many things to consider, few options of plan. Nak buat major renovation ke minor? Extend bawah je or atas sekali? Depan belakang? Tanya-tanya anggaran kos. Sudahnya, we decide to extend dapur sahaja. Ada 15ft x 13ft lagi kat belakang tu. So, extend sampai hujung.

The house is in a mess right now. Huhu.. Tak sabar nak tunggu siap.
Semoga Allah permudahkan segala urusan kami. Amiin.

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